Royal Elephant I French Wall Tapestry
Royal Elephant I French Wall Tapestry
- 4.8 Star Reviews
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- Est. to Ship Within 3 Business Days
- Limited Supply: Less Than 2 Available
- Woven in France
- 80% Cotton, 20% Rayon & Polyester
- Fully Lined
- Rod Pocket in Back
This jacquard tapestry is a beautiful Asian elephant covered with rich carpets and ornaments. The original is in the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was woven at a carpet factory in Aubusson established by Alexis Sallandrouze, 1808-67. The design, attributed to Jean-Baptiste-Am_d_e Couder, 1797-1864, draws on a number of different sources. By introducing these exotic influences, the tapestry contributed to a revival of the decorative arts in France in the 1840's. The luxuriant landscape is framed by pairs of twisted columns. The ornamental border is very rich, composed of a dense, complex tracery recalling the decorative vocabulary of Islamic architecture. Beyond this architectural frame lies a luminous landscape in which an Asian elephant can be seen passing between a palm and a banana tree. The elephant, richly caparisoned from top to toe. The tapestry may have been part of a set representing the continents.